Friday, July 25, 2008

Symphony of the VOID..

Hey everyone

This one's very weird (with a weird title as well). I dunno but such abnormal cerebrations have always been a part & parcel of my not-so-normal head. And i guess many of yours even. So here's one of the few. Enjoy

Have you ever wondered or analyzed what "VOID" actually means. Emptiness is an obvious answer. I know. But I don't simply agree with it. I'm like one of those who happen to have a confused-yet-so-clear temperament about the general scheme of things. Most of my thinking revolves only around one question.. "WHY NOT..???".And its amusing because it tends to fetch you very distinct opinions & diverging answers as you apply it to the most obvious banal stuff. Thinking like this is difficult yet so simple to comprehend; ugly yet so beautiful in its own sense & mourning yet so blissful in the end. Maybe that's the reason I tend to act so-like-an-idiot in most of the serious situations or maybe a complete shocker at times. Well, that's what I prefer to call "The Symphony of the VOID". The term itself is so ironic, a paradox in itself. How can something which is VOID be symphonic at the same time. It can be. Read on..

The VOID can be anything, anywhere. A person, an environment, a relation, you, me. Anything. The best way to exemplify it to think about a pipe. An empty hollow pipe. A small one. Nothing in it. Total crap. Of no use what-so-ever. But then you pick it up take it close to your ears & whoa..It starts humming.It starts singing into you. The little piece of metal actually stores in itself the magical sound of silence. It stores in itself the sargam, the symphony along with which the entire universe hums in unison. That's the "Symphony of the VOID" which you can only feel. Never express. And its unique to everyone. Difficult yet so simple to comprehend; ugly yet so beautiful in its own sense & mourning yet so blissful in the end. It helps you to answer the trickiest conundrum ever..What is LIFE ???. Simple. Its a VOID. Its a VOID. Yes & the only way to understand it is take it close to yourself & listen to it. You'l be able to hear the symphony as well. The melody which will make your lips curl upto your ears. And then you'l realize the power of EMPTINESS. The power of NOTHING. The Symphony of VOID.

So next time whenever you feel low, depressed, feel like the VOID inside you taking control. Let it do. Because it might just be helping you to understand the SYMPHONY stored inside.



P.S: Nothing to say. Completely VOID. Hope you get that..:D


Hardik Kothare said...

whoa! the moment I finished reading this post of yours I realised that there's this one gargantuan void within me.......this void unremittingly strives to remind us that we are only a speck on this infinitely vast blackboard called the universe....I didn't know that u are an avid blogger too....Gr8 work....

Anupam Gupta said...


trust me on this dude but this is like the LAST thing that i expected YOU to write me man...this one truly rocks...

ohh and btw...if u ever wondered what MEDITATION is...its simple..imagine not having to use the PIPE to hear the symphony of the VOID..imagine it emanating from your very soul...THAT is what mediation gets to you...

Shamanth Huddar said...

nice post.
an interesting analogy of the pipe.
but i find it difficult to accept the fact that life is a void, cuz if it were, there wudnt be any existence as such. in fact taking ur analogy of the pipe, i think life is the symphony which gets rid of the void, by, as u said, listening closely to life.

life can never BE if it were empty! life fills the void, fills the emptiness.

IceMaiden said...

that was a very prfound sorta post..... keep up the good writing....

DeJaVu said...

nice post.. previously unknown side of u...