Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A real LAME one..

Hey everyone

No need for any introduction to this. Here's how it goes.

Boy: Hey wassuupp..
Girl: Hii.. nuin much ..u say
Boy: (looking at something) Are i guess your " G string" is about to break..
Girl:(looking confused) What..!!!!!
Boy: Are see.. now.. (snap)..I told you naa..
Girl: OH F**K..!!!
Boy: Don't worry.. I have an extra one.. You can use mine..But make sure you don't
hit as hard as you did the last time..
Girl: Yea sure..I'l make sure it doesn't happen again.. Thanks..
Boy: Anytime dahlin.. Anytime...



PS: The 3rd string of a guitar is named as "G". And ha.. Guys do carry an extra one in case of emergencies like above.:D

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