Monday, June 8, 2009


Finally, the day had come when He was supposed to leave. He met all of them for that one last time together, that one last good-bye and that one last hug.

She liked him from a long time but just couldn’t let it out. After hearing this news, she knew the time had come. She had to tell him about her feelings. The feelings that she had felt deep and dense inside her every-time she saw him.

They were all there at the air-port to bid him good-bye. He came and hugged her tight. He had never ever done that before. He left. She saw him go. She didn’t tell him anything.

She stood still, with a smile on her face; a wet blur in her eyes but still bliss in her heart. Because that one moment, those few seconds when he held her in his arms, she lived an entire lifetime and she was happy with that.

Some things don’t make sense even if you say them loud but some are felt even if they are never said at all. And that’s the beauty of SILENCE..



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