Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hey everyone..

This one's a little bit off-track. But was just wondering whether I can write some serious stuff as well & mold it with some of my sardonic comments as usual. That was the birth of SHE in my "little-brain-big-looking head". Dunno how these cerebrations developed into a total personality & eventually into something which I could actually write about here. Anyways, as simple as the title to this post goes, the story below is the same--She, He & Their LIFE..!!!

Actually, you guys might be wondering what exactly these three entities symbolize . It might be " A mother, her son & their LIFE", "A sister, her brother & their LIFE", or maybe " A girl, her guy & their LIFE..". Sorry to disappoint you all. But I could think only on the lines of the last option. Man, writing about a "Mother & Son"pair is too difficult I feel & "Sister- Brother" blogs don't sell that much.. haha. So I chose to be safe & sell-able. Here's how it goes.

She was a simple, average girl & He was no difference. Both had a simple LIFE until they met each other & it all turned opposite. They met through a common friend which soon was gonna become an “uncommon” one. As expected, slowly & gradually, He & She became the best of friends. People started raising their eyebrows. But got the same old reply—“We are JUST FRIENDS”. Days weren’t complete for them unless they spent hours of it talking to each other. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. And Months into years. Actually only a year. Years is too long a period & I don’t have that much of time as well to insert a twist in the story. So yea. Where was I. Ha. And months into “a year”. The day arrived when they completed one year of their “AMBUJA CEMENT “ types friendship. Why AMBUJA CEMENT..? C’mon people..You haven’t heard –“IS CEMENT MEIN JAAN (LIFE) HAIN..”. Even their friendship had a LIFE & it was time to give that LIFE an altogether new & different meaning. He somehow collected all the bits & pieces of courage he had in him & proposed She. She couldn’t believe what struck her but couldn’t resist the effect either. It was one of those enthralling moments of She’s LIFE. Also He’s. As expected She said YES. She had to. Otherwise how could I go ahead with my storyline. So for me, She & He were finally more than “JUST FRIENDS”. Their LIFE had begun.

Days became more & more beautiful as they passed. She just couldn’t imagine her LIFE without He. They hugged. They kissed. They were inseparable. But as they say, every good thing in this world has to come to an end, She & He’s LIFE was taking the same route. Understanding each other was soon replaced by the “blame game”. The use of “We” soon vanished & took the devilish form of “Me & You”. Hours of talking were reduced to minutes, even seconds at times. Reason for all this—no one knew. Not even She & He. She thought about the same old crap—“He’s two-timing me”& He thought –“She doesn’t understand me anymore”. A perfect time for me to insert another twist in the story & I did. She & He met for what you call the “last time” on one fine day. She & He both understood each other’s silence. They say—“Silence speaks louder than words at times. You just need to have the right set of ears”. She & He both did. It was time for that dreaded moment. He somehow again collected all the bits & pieces of courage he had in him & called it off only to see She doing the same. It was again one of the most enthralling moments of She’s & He’s LIFE. Individual & together both. One second, one word & it was all over. She & He parted ways.

She was shattered. Her LIFE was hurt & so were her studies. Her career was on stake because of her state of mind. Everyone around her blamed her for her mistake. A million pieces of her heart confused her day in & day out. She had the anger & frustration inside her. Just couldn’t vent it out somehow. At times She thought of ending her LIFE. But She was not a coward. She thought of writing it all. Writing about her LIFE. She wrote her heart out. Wrote on dry papers. Made them wet. Wrote as if it was her last times. But all her writing had one thing in common. She kept asking He why he did that to her in them. Just kept wondering why it had to happen with her. (It had to dahlin… Or else how could I write this Anyways burnt & broken as She was, She just couldn’t move on. She felt hurt & helpless & confided everything in Someone. Someone was She’s good friend & that someone helped her move on. The only line that She remembers someone telling her was—“You liked him & like him still is your very own personal right. Noone can deny that from you. Not even He.” She understood the underlying meaning of that simple sentence. And She learnt the meaning of LIFE.

She still lives in the same mood as she used to be. She still likes He. Maybe loves He as well. She learnt the lesson of LIFE. Maybe the hard way but she did. She’s happy now. Happy with the her LIFE..

Now you guys might be wondering why I wrote about She. Dunno. Just felt like writing. Maybe some “She” or “He” can actually relate to it or maybe not. Actually the irony of LIFE is that—“ We live our life FORWARD but tend to learn it BACKWARDS. We see , we learn & we live. We always think that looking back at all the sad moments in LIFE would make us laugh on them someday but never believe that looking at all the happy ones will actually make us cry. That’s what makes LIFE so interesting as it did for She. “ Phew.. It took me a lot to frame that correctly..haha..



P.S: I guess I can actually write a lil bit of serious stuff. Hope it wasn’t boring. Even if it was I just don’t give a fudge..



Anupam Gupta said...

oh maay...did LALIT really write that????

unbelieveable dude...i dint think u cud ever write somethign like dis...good one..

and ya the ending was a lil tooooo philo even for my

Aarooshi said...

eeee mika bitwa bahut issmart hovi gaya hai!!

anu said...

nice one...with tremendous underlying meaning..heh..

ajanta said...

hey it was damn good
loved it
keep it up dude!!!

IceMaiden said...

welll...commmenting here for the first time so dont know if my comments are welcome... but anyway.... that was one of the most REAL piece of writing i have ever read..... cuz "someone" just related to all that...

Unknown said...

hey brother! dat was really nice u kno i cud relate to dat story and i even belive dat u wrote it.its touchin and thumbs up to yaa.coz u did a great job.